  • Gradient Background Aesthetic Simple Outline Graph Feelings Instagram Post - 2024-09-14T200702.383


RM 99.00
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To make a positive and long-lasting impression, one must portray confidence, sophistication, exuberance, and class. One fragrance personifies all of the above, and that's MF The Tuxedo. Thought of by connoisseurs as an integral part of any wardrobe, perfume is the accessory that gets noticed by the most perceptive admirer. Tuxedo has a way of infiltrating the senses and tapping into the subconscious to deliver the message that you're in the presence of the finest gentleman you've encountered. Years old as it may be, Tuxedo is a fragrance we eventually had to incorporate into our library of inspired expressions.

 Like the finest tailored suit, this made-to-measure experience brings you the oceanic splendor of ambergris with earthly accents of patchouli and pepper. A well-dressed gentleman also has the ability to swoon you with his charm and eloquence. Vanilla conveys that with its delectable richness. Rose conveys sensuality while violet leaf reminds us that the person wearing the suit is indeed a special breed of gentleman. Some fragrances acquire more wisdom and appeal with age. The Tuxedo is one of them.

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